In the wake of the ever-growing applications of computers in every walk of life, these electronic devices have become indispensable for all professionals in general and for educationists in particular. The task of making the society computer literate is a huge responsibility for educationists, policy makers in the government and for educational institutions. Shia College has been a front runner in realizing the importance of computer education since the early nineties in the last century when computers were rather new and unfamiliar to students. Our college holds the distinction for being the very first college in the city to have introduced formal computer education to students. The college got affiliation for DCA and PGDCA courses in 19… and started BSc (Computer Science) classes in ………… Over this period the computer center has produced several generations of computer professionals. However, the department still lacks permanent positions and is being run by contractual faculty under the supervision of a coordinator from the permanent staff of the college. The computer center has excellent facilities and well equipped computer labs to provide hands-on training to students. The center has uninterrupted high-speed internet services for the students and faculty. The computer center provides training to teachers and students and troubleshoots their computational problems.
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